Volume 12, Issue 23 (4-2021)                   J Watershed Manage Res 2021, 12(23): 26-41 | Back to browse issues page

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rezayi F, Bahremand A, sheikh J, dastorani M T, tajbakhsh M. (2021). Determination of Critical Channel Using Combination of ASSA and GIS Models in Different Return Periods (Case Study: Mashhad Municipality9 District). J Watershed Manage Res. 12(23), 26-41. doi:10.52547/jwmr.12.23.26
URL: http://jwmr.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-929-en.html
1- Gorgan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Golestan Proviance, Iran
2- Gorgan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Golestan Proviance, IRAN
3- Mashhad Ferdosi University, Khorasan Razavi Proviance
4- Birjand university
Abstract:   (2756 Views)
The quantitative and qualitative management of urban runoff is a very complicated. Regardless of the economic and social impacts, water engineers always need to know how to respond to a city's drainage system against different climatic conditions. In this research, the combination of ASSA and GIS models in the returns periods of 2, 5, 10 and 50 years were used to determine the flooding points in the 9th district of Mashhad municipality. First, the watershed boundaries, canals and nodes maps was extracted from the GIS environment. Then the ASSA model was simulated for a One-hour design for a different return period. Then, the outputs of the model were analyzed in the GIS software environment. The results showed that with increasing rainfall return period, 2806 nodes in underground and superficial networks of 114, 178 and 226 nodes were flooded and inundation during the return periods of 2, 5, 50 and 50 years, respectively. Field surveys, existing elevation digital maps of the urban runoff network and simulations have shown that the main cause of inundation is the small size of the cross section of the duct, as well as the low slope in some parts of the network. Adaptation of the results of the simulation of rainfall-induced waterlogging in the study area with what happens every year confirms indicates the correctness of the simulations of the model. Moreover, simulation results of the model also showed that there is a good agreement between the simulated results and the measurement.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: هيدرولوژی
Received: 2018/02/24 | Accepted: 2019/05/8

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