Volume 6, Issue 11 (7-2015)                   J Watershed Manage Res 2015, 6(11): 73-89 | Back to browse issues page

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(2015). Comparison of Two Methods of IUCN and Watershed, Range and Forest Management in Assessing Watershed Sustainability (Case Study: Talleghan-Zeidasht). J Watershed Manage Res. 6(11), 73-89.
URL: http://jwmr.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-494-en.html
Abstract:   (5633 Views)
Sustainable development is a comprehensive approach to improve Human life quality to meet economical, social and environmental needs of anthropological residents. When sustainable development is achieved an overlapping is created between ecological, economical and social classes. The most principle goal for this research is to determine sustainability criteria and indices and to measure sustainability. The first approach was obtained from, watershed and range management projects monitoring and evaluation monitoring instructions provided by president  strategically supervising planning assistant and range and watershed management, forest organization for Iran. As a whole in rangeland ecological section, three criteria, nine indices and fourteen variables were evaluated. In economical and social issues section 5 criteria and 16 indices were evaluated (indices served as variables by themselves) in respect to total Zeidasht watershed score, this watershed is categorized in too poor sustainability class. The second method to analysis and evaluate sustainability in interested basin has been IUCN. This method simultaneously considers ecosystem and anthropological issues. Two criteria, six indices and 28 variables were measured in human welfare section. In ecosystems sustainability four criteria and ten indices and 35 variables were evaluated. Final indices and criteria integration was completed and map was developed in GIS. Final score for ecosystem and social and economical issues were 51 and 49 respectively. Final results the Barometer of Sustainability showed that Zeidasht 1 basin sustainability is moderate. This situation can be improved by ecosystem conservation and people life style quality enhancement.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/07/15 | Accepted: 2015/07/15

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