Volume 14, Issue 28 (11-2023)                   J Watershed Manage Res 2023, 14(28): 148-162 | Back to browse issues page

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kamali M, Azarnivand H, Malekian A, Mosaffaei J. (2023). Developing management solutions for Alolak watershed in the Qazvin province using the DPSIR approach. J Watershed Manage Res. 14(28), 148-162. doi:10.61186/jwmr.14.28.148
URL: http://jwmr.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-1237-en.html
1- watershed management, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Tehran
2- Department of Revitalization of Dry and Mountainous Areas, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Tehran University
3- Department of Arid and Mountainous Areas, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Tehran University
4- Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute, Agricultural Research,Education and Extension Organization (AREEO)
Abstract:   (1140 Views)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: The watershed as a planning and management unit considering all socio-economic, physical, ecological, technical and organizational dimensions, has been accepted by the scientific community, which is being damaged and degraded due to the stresses caused especially by climate change and human activities. In such a way that climate  and land use change, damage to biological diversity, inceasing waste water and soil erosion along with many other issues indicate inappropriate human intervention. Therefore, the effective management of watersheds requires understanding the connections between its different components and dynamics in order to achieve the desired output. Apparently, the most fundamental step in watershed management plans is to recognize the potential threats to find out their causes and, as a result, identify the main management solutions. Therefore, before formulating work plans, it is necessary to investigate the root of the threats and determine the management scenarios.
M aterial and Methods: The purpose of this research is to determine the management options using the DPSIR approach, which first identifies the problems of the watershed and then provides management responses. In this approach, the investigated components are driving forces, pressure, situation, impact, response and the relationship between them. Prioritizing the components through the preparation of a Likert scale questionnaire based on a descriptive-analytical study, library studies, holding meetings with experts, watershed residents, village councils, asking questions, discussing, exchanging opinions, visiting the area and the use of Friedman's test has been done.
Results: The findings of the research show that five effective driving forces in the watershed have caused 12 influential pressures, which have resulted in four situations and nine important effects that have resulted in 18 responses. Moreover, the result shows that out of the five influential driving forces in the watershed, the development of orchards and agriculture and climate change are the most important and influential factors with an average rating of 3.74 and 3.16, respectively, which cause pressure on the watershed and reduce the natural vegetation of the area. Overgrazing, excessive exploitation of water and soil resources are important pressures that lead to increasing soil erosion, flooding, and also a decrease in water yeild of the region, which will result in a decrease in fodder production, habitat destruction, and increase in the living costs of the communities in the watershed area. Therefore, the response to these components, including the consequences and pressures, and consistent management practices can provide promising results in improving the watershed, environment, and current communities.
Conclusion:The results of providing educational and extension programs of natural resources behavior, employment generation and creating alternative jobs, watershed management measures at the with an average rating of 12.7, 12.16 and 12.04 were the most important solutions in this research
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: مديريت حوزه های آبخيز
Received: 2023/04/22 | Accepted: 2023/10/1

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